New Year's Eve, the day where everyone makes promises, says how wonderful the previous year was, prepares for a night of fun and festivities, and eagerly anticipating the chance to start over. Some had the best years of their lives where you see the happiness and joy reflected in Instagram and Facebook posts or those that went through unspeakable pain and torment thanking God that 2018 will soon be a distant memory. It’s the day where we make plans for how we will attack this new year so as to not continue to repeat the habits of the past. Even those who poo-poo making resolutions, like me, are still mulling around the possibilities of what turning the page into 2019 will produce.
It’s the holidays! The most wonderful time of the year, or so Andy Williams told us as children. There are lights, Santas, reindeer and elves galore donning trees and houses all over the neighborhood. With hope in our hearts and a twinkle in our eyes, the promise and warmth that radiates from multiple directions should be enough to melt the coldest of hearts right?